Historical pollens and spores data of

Historical pollens and spores data of

Aerobiology of Ciutat de Palma. Historical and current data

From Ciutat de Palma there are also available HIRST data (2024-2025)

From Mallorca there are also available HIRST data from Inca (2021-2024)

Sampling location data:

Responsibles: Jordina Belmonte
Analysts: Jordina Belmonte, Mercè Vendrell, Gemma Duran
In collaboration with:
Data: 1983-1984, 1989-1994
Geographic coordinates: latitude 39º 35' N, longitude 02º 39' E
Altitude: 4 m above sea level
Pollen and spore trap: Cour
Telephone: 935812040
e-mail: [email protected]

Graphs of weekly dynamics in year:

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