Current levels of the main allergenic pollen and spores

Aerobiology of Barcelona. Forecast

Comparison of all available localities in Catalonia | Barcelona | Bellaterra | Girona | Lleida | Manresa | Roquetes | Tarragona | Vielha | Planes de Son

17 to 23 February 2025

Taxons pollens Barcelona
📷📄Wall Pellitory (Urticaceae)2 A
📷📄Gramineae (Gramineae (Poaceae))1 =
📷📄Olive tree (Olea)0 =
📷Alder (Alnus)1 =
📷Ash (Fraxinus)1 =
Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (Cruciferae (Brassicaceae))1 =
📷📄Cypress (Cupressaceae)4 =
📷Elm (Ulmus)0 A
📷Hazelnut (Corylus)3 =
📷Mercury (Mercurialis)2 =
Taxon spores  
📄Alternaria (Alternaria)1 =
📄Cladosporium (Cladosporium)1 =

📷Photos of the plant, 📄Botanical Factsheet

If you want see plants, visit Allergenic plants web.

Current levels Forecast
0 Null A Increase
1 Low = Stable
2 Medium D Decrease
3 High ! Exceptional
4 Max