XAC (Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya) is organizing MedPalyno 2017 on behalf of the Asociación de Palinólogos de Lengua Española (APLE), the Gruppo di Palinologia e Paleobotanica della Società Botanica Italiana (GPPSBI) and the Association des Palynologues de Langue Française (APLF).
The Mediterranean Palynology Symposium 2017 will be held in Barcelona city center (UPF School of Management, Balmes 132-134), in September 4 – 6, 2017.
For the first time, three palynological societies around the Mediterranean (from Spain, Italy and France) plus palynologists from Greece, organize a joint Symposium. The diversity of pollen and spores related themes, together with the multiculturalism of the participants, will provide a forum for analysis, discussion and ideas exchange around the latest research offering great opportunities for interdisciplinary future collaborations.