

2024 Our best wishes

2024 Els nostres millors desitjos / Nuestros mejores deseos / Our best wishes.  [+]

Pollen spring to arrive late, but with high levels

Spring pollinations will start with some delay, but levels will be high, and could have a shorter duration than usual, according to the Aerobiological Network of Catalonia (XAC) of ICTA-UAB.  [+]

Automatic Observation of Pollen in Real Time

The XAC, within the framework of an agreement with Qualitas 4 Health and Swisens, is collaborating in the development of a model for the automatic observation of pollen and other aerosols in real time based on artificial intelligence.  [+]

2023 Our best wishes

2023 Els nostres millors desitjos / Nuestros mejores deseos / Nos meilleurs voeux / Our best wishes.  [+]

New gallery of allergenic plants

New photo gallery of the most common allergenic plants in Catalonia.  [+]

High pollen levels expected in spring, with normal values returning in summer

The XAC will show pollen concentrations in the air in real time at the station of the campus (Cerdanyola del Vallès) from this spring a new and revolutionary automatic monitoring system.  [+]

EAS Statement against Ukraine war

Declaration of the European Aerobiology Society.  [+]

The XAC will participate in the Fira Recerca en Directe 2022

The Research Group AEROBIOTAS, of ICTA-UAB has been chosen to participate in the 18th FIRA RECERCA EN DIRECTE organized by Parc Científic de Barcelona and will be held from April 27 to 30 in Cosmocaixa.  [+]

2022 Our best wishes

2022 Els nostres millors desitjos / Nuestros mejores deseos / Nos meilleurs voeux / Our best wishes.  [+]

Happy 2021

Bon/Próspero/Feliz/Urte Berri/Bonne/Happy/Gutes/Felice 2020.  [+]

Happy 2020

Bon/Buen/Happy 2020.  [+]

Fira Recerca en Directe 2020 - Popular vote

XAC has presented a workshop proposal to participate in the Fira de Recerca en Directe 2020, which will take place in Barcelona from May 6 to 9, 2020, organized by Parc Científic de Barcelona - Universitat de Barcelona. Vote for us!.  [+]

The XAC will participate in the Fira Recerca en Directe 2020

The Grup de Recerca Aerobiològica, Transport Atmosfèric i Salut, AEROBIOTAS of ICTA-UAB has been chosen to participate in the 18th edition of the Fira Recerca en Directe.  [+]

XAC in the media 2019

UPDATED (04/07/2019): The app Planttes on the TV show Favorits, on Canal 33.  [+]

XAC in the media 2018

Compilation of some XAC interventions in the media during 2018. Issues about pollen and allergy, the app Planttes and the work of XAC, are discussed.  [+]

We are on Twitter!

From now on you will also find us on Twitter, where we will publish weekly allergy risk predictions, and you will also find interesting pollen and plants, as well as information and various activities.  [+]

We are on Instagram!

From now on you will also find us on Instagram, where we will publish weekly allergy risk predictions, and you will also find interesting pollen and plants, as well as information and various activities.  [+]

Happy 2019

Bon/Buen/Happy 2019.  [+]

Video: How to use the Planttes app

We have made a video to show how the Planttes app is used. We want to facilitate and promote the use of the app Planttes.  [+]

The app El Temps also informs about the aerobiological forecast

The most recent version of El Temps app (for Android) allows you to check the levels forecast data of allergenic pollen and spores, that we send in the newsletter and publish on our website.  [+]

PIA presents the new app Plant*tes (Beta available for Android in Catalan)

The Point of Information on Aerobiology (PIA) presents its new app Plant*tes in Barcelona in the framework of the Ciència Ciutadana als Barris project of the Barcelona City Council. Available Beta version, for Android, in Catalan.  [+]

The new Planttes app warns of allergy risks in different urban areas

The Planttes application is a citizen science project which aims to encourage people to identify and locate on a map the existence of allergy-causing plants and indicate their phenological state.  [+]

Happy 2018

Bon/Buen/Bonne/Happy/Frohe 2018.  [+]

MedPalyno 2017 in Barcelona

XAC is organizing the Mediterranean Palynology Symposium 2017 in Barcelona (UPF School of Management, Balmes 132-134), September 4 - 6, 2017.  [+]

XAC in the media 2017: Video and audio

UPDATED (28/07/2017): Tinc una idea - Empreses que tenen cura del mediambient (La 2, RTVE).  [+]

Interruption of the study in Tenerife

For economic reasons completely beyond our will, we are forced to interrupt (we hope temporarily) the study of allergenic pollens and spores in Tenerife. We deeply regret this.  [+]

XAC in the media 2016: Video and audio

Compilation of some XAC interventions in the media during 2016. Issues about pollen and allergy are discussed.  [+]

Happy Christmas and year 2017

Our best wishes for 2017.  [+]


The next Saturday, October 15, XAC participates in the Citizen Science in the neighborhoods project. A field trip will be made to discover and identify the plants that cause allergies and their phenological state.  [+]

XAC will be involved in the first citizens open-data hackathon in Barcelona

The days 16 to 18 September, the first citizens open-data hackathon will be held in Barcelona.XAC will be involved as a data provider, with the weekly forecast of the levels of the main allergenic pollen and spores in Catalonia.  [+]

Forecast of spring pollen 2016

The Societat Catalana d'Al·lèrgia i Immunologia Clínica (SCAIC) and the Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya (XAC), present the pollination forecast for this spring in Catalonia.  [+]

Happy 2016

Our best wishes for 2016.  [+]

New sampling point in Tenerife: Izaña Atmospheric Observatory

The Point of Information on Aerobiology (ICTA-UAB), the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (AEMET) and Air Liquide España, report that they have worked on the extension of the EOLO-PAT Project weekly prediction to a new sampling point.  [+]

Forecast of spring pollen 2015

The Societat Catalana d'Al·lèrgia i Immunologia Clínica (SCAIC) and the Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya (XAC), present the pollination forecast for this spring in Catalonia.  [+]

Very good 2015

Our best wishes for 2015.  [+]

Conference Health and Natural Areas

On 22 and 23 September will take place the conference Health and Natural Areas in the Auditorium of La Pedrera (Barcelona).  [+]

Forecast of spring pollen 2014

The Societat Catalana d'Al·lèrgia i Immunologia Clínica (SCAIC) and the Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya (XAC), have presented the pollination forecast for this spring.  [+]

Al K. Pollen now for iPhone and Android, Catalonia and Canary Islands

The recently launched mobile app Al K. Pollen for iPhone with the informations of Catalunya, now also reports on the Canary Islands and is available for Android.  [+]

Find inspiration, a new web about respiratory allergy and treatments

Stallergenes Ibérica has launched the webpage Find inspiration, an initiative to improve and compile the information currently available about respiratory allergy.  [+]

Al K. Polen: App to consult XAC data

The mobile App Al K. Polen allows users to consult the levels of pollens and spores in Catalonia, using information produced by the Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya.  [+]

Reportage about the XAC on La Xarxa

Reportage about the XAC and the app Al K. Polen, made by Canal Terrassa Vallés, for the program Univers de formació (La Xarxa).  [+]

Forecast of spring pollen 2013

The Societat Catalana d'Al·lèrgia i Immunologia Clínica (SCAIC) and the Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya (XAC), have presented the pollination forecast for this spring.  [+]

OLMARCAT research results

Dr. Pere Navalles has published the results of the OLMARCAT epidemiological research, with which the Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya has collaborated.  [+]

Book Aerobiología y alergias respiratorias de Tenerife

Aerobiología y alergias respiratorias de Tenerife presents a comprehensive overview of recent research conducted on the biological quality of the air and its consequences for the allergic population of the island of Tenerife. The book summarizes the results of the research initiative EOLO-PAT that was jointly carried out by the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (AEMET), the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Air Liquide. Allergologists from Santa Cruz de Tenerife also took part in this initiative.  [+]

A web where you can see how certain allergenic pollen fly over Europe

The Finnish Meteorological Institute has published in the website, free access, some models of atmospheric pollen transport that are under development using the data that aerobiologists provide.  [+]

Forecast for August

The forecast published on August 3rd is valid until August 31st. In this date we will be back again with the weekly predictions.  [+]

Izaña (Tenerife) available for consultation

From now on, the graphs of the weekly dynamics of airborne pollen and spores throughout the year for Izaña (Tenerife) station are also available for consultation.  [+]

The XAC at ComRàdio (March 10, 2012)

On Saturday March 10 ComRadio Eureka invited the XAC Coordinator, Jordina Belmonte, to talk about the pollen and allergy and how pollination is going this year.  [+]

Andorra launches a new website

Andorra La Vella launches web reporting pollen and spores levels in the air.  [+]

Subscription to the newsletter of the weekly forecast

From now on the subscription to the newsletter of the weekly forecast is available. By making the subscription you will received, as soon as published, the PDF of the forecast of the main allergenic pollen and spores of the week.  [+]

RSS subscription

From now on RSS subscription is available to receive alerts when there are changes on this website.  [+]

2012 SCAIC-XAC conjoint press conference

Today 8 of March the SCAIC-XAC conjoint press conference has been celebrated. You can obtain here the document distributed (in Catalan!).  [+]

New Year 2012 chart

Our best wishes for 2012.  [+]