From now on, the graphs of the weekly dynamics of airborne pollen and spores throughout the year for Izaña (Tenerife) station are also available for consultation. The graphs of the most common pollen and spores in the Canary Islands are available. Making available this aerobiological station, there are already two the stations within the Proyecto EOLO-PAT: Tenerife and Izaña.
The Izaña aerobiological station is at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory (IZO), which is in the island of Tenerife at 28º18’N, 16º29’W, 2373 m a.s.l. The observatory is located on the top of a mountain plateau in a pre-national park area (Teide National Park) that is environmentally protected by the "Sky Law". IZO is normally above a temperature inversion layer, generally well established over the island, and so free of local anthropogenic influences. IZO is managed by the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center.
Given the particular geography and meteorology of Izaña, this aerobiological station only remains active for part of the year, in the period free of snow (approximately between March and October), so, there is only data available for that period the of year.
View graphs of weekly dynamics in year, for Izaña station:
More Information about the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory: